Thursday, December 31, 2009

I'm reviewing my two thousand nine , and i'm telling you my story

Here's what happen in my 2009 . I know every people , has other stories than mine. Well here goes mine :)


The start of the first new day of school . I had to go a new school , and i felt miserable because it's a new environment and at the same time , me and Dann had an issue and we broke off . Well , the relationship of breaking up never spent long . Because three days of being apart , we were back together . I met new friends . But at the same time , i miss my old friends , my old school . Mummy celebrated her 50th birthday at our new home . We got a new cat , Manja was its name . And the new school wasn't that hard - they were all friendly . Plus i made new friends , and they are so cool :) hehe . And also , we had an exchange student in our class , Hannah .


The month of love - Valentine :) I celebrated mine at home on the phone , with Dann . Sports day was near in that month . I participated in kawad kaki and yeah i got tanned big time that moment . But i had fun . Then it was all about school , new friends , and studies .


oh ! Sports day , the first time of having a sports day at a new school . I made friends , so best friends :) haha . And yeah , i had fun . I get to wear shorts at this school as its an all girl school - no boys :) hehe . And exam , monthly exam was held . And i guess i did a good job at the first month of having an exam in form 4 syllabus . Even my physic failed , i tried to get good marks. School holidays for one week . Dann on the 16th March turned 17 officially . Now he can a drive a car :) HAHA .


April , what happend in April ? i can't remember .


OMG ! i can't remember what happen in May either , WHAT ?!


JUUUUNNNNNNNNN :D huh . i can't remember . Right two months of having a life , i don't remember anything ! OMG OMG omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg OMG ! :| Oh wait now i remember , i had my mid year exam :) haha .

Oh i remember this month . I had a friend betraying me , haha :| Fun aite ? It's over Dann - a boy , and i think it's very stupid of you to do that - but i forgive you . As what friends do ? :) School holidays 2 weeks of it :) First time of going with a friend from Ipoh :) Diba was her and Ija also :) I had fun ,


Monthly test was held . Had a new cat , Robin Hood if i was not mistaken it was in August . Independence day was celebrated , it was the 52 years of independce . School holidays , one week again :) HAHA . And oh ! I joined this event on Pelancongan Pelajar and got 2nd place in state . That was fun :-)


Celebrated my 16th birthday with my closest friends in McD . Well i know its not posh , for the posh party and thinking on my 21st Birthday :) Daddy celebrated his 54th birthday too . But he was on the 29th while i was on the 10th . Father and Daughter have the same month of birthday :) hehe . Got my birthday present , it was so wicked this year . I got a present from mummy which was a piano of special edition , daddy gave me my own DSLR 1000D :)


I can't remember what happen in this month . All i know was - school , on the phone with Dann and friends :) haha . I had my year end exam .


Ahhh , November :) hehe. It was me and Dann 2nd year together . OMG OMG OMG omg omg omg :)) And for the first time , i failed my chemistryy , aaarrhhhhh :| I was so frustated this month . And yeah it was the end of school year :)


School holidays was during this month . It was all about me and the holidays .

Oh well , my year of 2009 was kinda boring if i review it back . But if you read my blog every month and every day , you can see what happen in my life its all about me , mama and papa , Dann and my friends :) I hope my 2010 will go well , as 2010 i'm a candidate of SPM . Erkkk .

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