Friday, December 4, 2009

I left my heart in his dream yesterday night

I watched New Moon already :) At last.It been weeks , i've been moaning about it - and today i had the chance to catch it. HEE :B Ware wolves are so dang hot and hot hot heat i tell you. With 6 pax on their bodies , i have drools on them and also i'm struck with it. HAHA :D The movie is rated is 4 out of 5 stars. I don't know why , it must sound stupid but something is missing. Well , not everything is missing - still had the romantic , love , sweet and yet charming scene. I'm kind of dissapointed actually , by watching the making of - it gave goose bumps , but watching it is a whole new subject.
Well , not everything we predict it's going to better right. Some of them are , but not just yet. I think i'll colour my nails. Weird. It just popped in my head. Today -i had piano class. It's the first time i'm playing on a grand piano. Which gives a little fright because it's a grand piano and the sound is much better quality and pressing every single white keys gives me goose bump - it's heavy ( slighty heavy ) Ze boyfriend handphone has been flooded. I pity you baby. It happen yesterday night, his phone just " plooop " in a basin full of water. I miss him. Yeah you can say that i'm crazy about my boyfriend so much that i can't pick whether penguins can sing or not :F

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