Anyway , school holiday has just started for me ! Yeay , school of 2009 is over . oh ! We have to clean up our class before the school was over . Then we had another 15 minutes before the last bell rang , all of sudden - all the memories that i had in the class was coming back to me . The first day i came into the class , the day we got a subsitute teacher for our add maths class , Ms . Yeoh soon to be Mrs . Then we had a llittle class party as she was leaving . Then we had a exchange student in our class . She was from German and her name was Hannah . Next year , on the 4th January she's going back to German . I will miss her , everybody will miss her as she stayed in our class and talked with us . And she understand what we said with each other as our Bahasa Melayu teacher teached her. Then Pn Poh , our class teacher made a move to another school for she got promotioned . We all cried as it was the leave of our teacher . Pn Poh , she treated us like her own daughters , now a class teacher who could be our mother ? WOW ! I can't ask for more . Everybody had their tears down that day . I can't forget it. hm , then school year end , we had one more week before it was over - class party was held :D Everybody had a blast. Next year , we're form 5 . SPM year . Everybody will be busy . EVERYBODY will have books as their second boyfriend . Oh GOD ! I'm so shock that the world is spinning so fast . I need a break and i don't know , somekind of miracle to happen .
Goodbye memoir of 2009 in 4 lily . Hello memoir of 2010 in 5 liliy .
OH before i forgot , tomorrow i'm going out to catch a movie with my girlfriends ! Finally , after months of not going to the movies - now i have a time to do so . Thanks mama and papa (: ILOVEYOU
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