" I'll haunt you little princess - in your dreams and life until you just can't get out of my life :) "
I just can't believe it actually , people doing things at me and to me - like i'm stupid and doesn't have a brain to think . Who do you think you are ? - Why am i crapping my self here . Okayyy okayy , actually the thing is " Get a life , and get out of my life you _____ " - no no no wait ! It wasn't that i wanted to tell you , OH ! now i remember - I had with you ! . Oh double no no , it wasn't that . What i meant was my exam are over ! hahah . Yeap ! My exam's are over - just sivik papers are left . Okayy , at least just one more one more paper . Tomorrow at 9 a.m its Freedom . I say freedom . YEAYA ( ! ) But still when my school exam's are over , i still have my piano theory exam grade 5 this Monday . My piano teacher is asking me to do study and get honors ( at least ) in the exam - i'm trying my best here , so don't worry ;;)
A funny incident in school right after modern maths paper was finish . Vivian Wong gave Joyee an article and it had this cute guy picture . To admit that the korean is really cute - IT IS TRUE ! THE KOREAN WAS DAMN CUTE ! ! ! x) ok , enough about the korean guy , the back article was about this korean girl , average 20's girl who is singing - i think so lah . Then Diba Rossi asked Joyee , what it wrote ( the article about the korean girl ) -
Diba Rossi : Joyee , what it says ?
Joyee : Haiyaa , you don't know ah ?
Diba Rossi : What ? What ? Tell lah .
Joyee : You don't know ? come , i tell you .
Diba Rossi : What ?
* there was a slience has Joyee read it , Diba Rossi was waiting really patiencely . When suddenly -
Joyee : Diba .
Diba Rossi : What is it about ?
Joyee : mm , I ALSO DON"T KNOW LAA !
A funny incident in school right after modern maths paper was finish . Vivian Wong gave Joyee an article and it had this cute guy picture . To admit that the korean is really cute - IT IS TRUE ! THE KOREAN WAS DAMN CUTE ! ! ! x) ok , enough about the korean guy , the back article was about this korean girl , average 20's girl who is singing - i think so lah . Then Diba Rossi asked Joyee , what it wrote ( the article about the korean girl ) -
Diba Rossi : Joyee , what it says ?
Joyee : Haiyaa , you don't know ah ?
Diba Rossi : What ? What ? Tell lah .
Joyee : You don't know ? come , i tell you .
Diba Rossi : What ?
* there was a slience has Joyee read it , Diba Rossi was waiting really patiencely . When suddenly -
Joyee : Diba .
Diba Rossi : What is it about ?
Joyee : mm , I ALSO DON"T KNOW LAA !
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