So right after recess - we didn't learn anything , except for English class . During BM class - teacher had a meeting , and we were in the class sat bored and laughing like some laughing was exploded . Me , Diba , Fix and Diana - played Q&A game - there was alot question that need to be answered . The qeustions were ;
1. Why do boys so stubborn sometimes ?
MaF : because they think girls will obey their attitude ! What a lame ! Are boys stubborn ? Hmmm !
DibaRossi: To show their ego which they think its kind of ' macho '
DianaZidane : A hundered percent true !! It is not ' macho ' at all , and worst part they don't give their ego easily !
2 . Handsome and good looking guys are not strong enough ! Is it true ? Oh , Why ?
DibaRossi: True , coz the only ' strong ' part of their body is their face .
DianaZidane: True coz they always get what they want very easy and therefore , it's not strong enough for a challenge :) !
AudreyFabregas: It was really hard for me to answer it because it's easy for me to fall for a handsome and good looking guy :P
3 . How to know whether guys telling you the truth or not ?
DianaZidane: i have no idea .. But by looking at their face gesture or ask their bestfriend .. the truth from a guy is hard to spill out , LOL !
AudreyFabregas: by looking into his eyes and by hearing from his voice :)
MaF: if he ignores too many of my love games !! :)
4 . Why are guys so complicated ? Unpredictable ? and why is it so hard for them to be honest ?
AudreyFabregas: one , honesty ? Guys try to be honest , but do girls trust them ? Two , complicated ? They're just being boys . third, unpredictable ? they are just one big suprise in girls life :)
MaF: Ahahha ! No! Big NO! i think that we're the one who are too good for them !
DibaRossi : Again ! It's totally about controlling their macho in front of girls . Screw Him ! HAHAHAH !

Miss-little-cutie-of-class : A big mouth , laughing *very ahh ! * Likes to laugh , loud , flirtatiouss and hard-working :)
Bella : Loudspeaker :) Crazy :) nice and mean sometime , like to bully Betty Rae :D and hardworking :B
Betty rae : very very very scary . loves to laugh ( her laugh is contagious) . Creative ( very ! ) . Pretty and smart , responsible , hardworking . Annoying at times , very very very loud BOOMBOX loud !!
Diana Zidane : HAHA , loves to laugh . And also laughs loudly quite blur . Nice , kind , helpful , responsbile , sort of a bully to Betty Rae . gives reasonable advice , and always there for you , when you have problems anything at all .
Princess Conquer : Hmm ! really nice voice , cool ! Cute ( ocationally ) can be trusted * sometimes good in giving advice and most of all LOUD !
Diba Rossi : First words that cross my mind whenever i think of you is LOUD ! But don't be upset of being yourself ! Just be SAF that I use to know ! Love you so much ! kisses :)
Marilyn Fix : AHAHAH ! This girls is a jerk ! I'll sleep if no sound of her . She's very hardworking . Her ultimate weakness is DANIAL :D !
Ms. Korea-i-love : She is this life of this class . She is responsible . Sivik projects and class T-shirt she takes responsible for it . She is nice , kind hearted although sometimes i do get hurt . but she is really nice and loud .
Ohh guyyysss , i love you guys so mucchh <33 !! Thanks for being my new friends that are so freaking cool :) ! ILOVEYOU :D :D xoxo ,
well, convent girls are full of love you know :)
and nway, i love youuu saffy :)
oh. dulu, friends in the old school satu THUMBS up je eh?
oh and, sekolah convent sekarang boleh mengumpat pasal guys ah now!
Nick , hahha :D No laa sekolah lama pun two thumbs up dear :) hee :D hahahhaha :D yeaaaa :) Go drools over them oh :P
Sherry - haha :D Yea i knoww :) I love you to Sherry :)
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