Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Killing someone to soon (?)

Let me count the ways , if i had three wishes one of my wishes is - Oh ! i hope a person could find a LIFE in life . The second would be - i wish that this girl never had lived in this world . And the third and last one is - i wish that i had the capture moments when your down by me and him . I'm so little good girl aren't i ?

And to whom i concern , a girl . I don't know who you are and where you come from . If i knew , i will never make a fight of it . Because i'm not that type of person who can make someone cry - guessing that you think that i'm a chicken ? - Well NO ! I'm not . You know why ? Simple , because i'm not to stupid to fight over little things you girl . And i'm aware that people are taken ! You see ? If your not aware if my guy is taken by me , i think that your blind , sorry i may guess , but it's true . If you can't see that he is taken , it seem to me that you just don't own eyes and life to . So to whom i may concern - get a life . Get a life . See the world , and don't go over man you girl . Back off would you ? Simple , i asked to back off so please do it in a way , a simple and sweet way , and get out of OUR LIFE ! If you just here to destroy people relationship - forget about it , your just not it . Blind i guess ? OOoooo , sorry to be said , but get a life ah weyh and open your eyes even bigger . If you have two eyes , and still can't see things right , i could give you another eye to make sure that YOU SEE EVEN CLEARLY with three eyes or even 8 eyes !

It's crap when a person does not have a life in LIFE . Crap is a just measure of crap in life . If you can't see the difference between , 2 eyes still , i'll soon give you 8 eyes - oh , i'll put 8 eyes in your body . How it is going to be ? - i'm still thinking , but i'm not going to hurt you , i'm just going to put 8 eyes in you . It's going to be horrible for you .

So girl , get a life before karma hits you . If you take my guy , soon your guy is going to be taken back . And i just can wonder how you are going to be . Remember , karma always hits people . So think girl . Get a life get a life get a life !
And don't you ever go over my man ! He's mine ! He's only mine . FULLSTOP .

" Stupid people do stupid things ,
You'll get the picture soon ,
Don't worry ,
Because soon - your eyes are going to be WIDE and just to MANYYYYYY . "

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