*Fabregas is hot :) - winkwink ,
Today was like " i woke up the wrong side of the bed " sort of kind . Woked up , thought i will get a normal message but , like totally different from others , mm the boyfriend went to a futsal tournament . So ok la . He already went , he just telling me that he was going and watching . So around 10 , we had a fight and manja fight . Ok , stupid but yes we had one . He was telling to shut up , and like don't be near him anymore , i was tremendously shock by his way and i wanted to cry , i was major down down down a well . He tried to comfort me back , but it never ever made it me felt better , felt more like crying - got la . Eventually , he made up , he called me . Just to say his sorry . I had a voice of a crying person and at the other line , it had a voice a person who knows that it was his fault . He called up , said sorry , and the cutest thing he said " Don't cry , im here . And i love you " . Then i said - you know what i said . Then we text message all the day through . At lunch hour , mum invited me to do some shopping at Parkson , finding a present for people wedding's . Parents are going . Mum brought clothes , thanks mum :D . I had like a cardigan , a black shirt and a jeans . It looked cute :) HEE . In the evening , went out with mum's friend from Tapah . She works at Tapah , but has a house at Ipoh . She had 2 children . They were nice and adorable . Went to pizza hut . And did some eating there - of course eat at pizza hut , what else my dear ? :] Then like , mum and dad had to attend a wedding . As me stuck at home - laptop-ing , texting and watching football . Tonight is Arsenal . Later night , Manchester United game on . But i think i rather watch Arsenal , cause i go for them (?) . Exactly , MU and Arsenal are like musuh . But i'm going for two teams , sorry and rather a thank you , thank you :) In the middle of a game and onlining he text me - " Don't forget to watch Arsenal play , i love you :) " . Man that baby of mine , is so friggin cute :) So , it's like - Arsenal vs . Middlesbrough was a tie . 1-1 . Mmm - unpredictable .
That's my day of Saturday - Au revior ! :)
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