The shoes goes with the dress :)
Today a lot did not happen . My anger management made me burst oh so well . But posting this blog , made me feel like a new person somehow . It's dressed up time , for me maybe :) 2009 a new me , the more fashionable me maybe after i lost some weight which i'm trying to . Has i surfing the net , my mum had wanted to see some dinner bags at nine west website . Took a peak there and BAM ! woaahh :O The dinner bags were so pretty and wishing that i own them :) The price of it where like soooooooooo expensive . Well , it does . Haha :D Wanting to own them , when i'm working session . By that time i'll be the age of 24 :D So doddling the net , i found Manchester United official website , Teen vogue magazine website and The simpson to :D haha :D So i'll end the night with - My high heels drama . Went out with ma and wanting to buy some high heels shoes . But nooooo , ma doesn't let me to :( . grrr . I wish that i wore high shoes . I want pumps ! I want pumps ! I want pumps ! For agessss , i've been day dreaming to wear pumpssssss :) rawwrrr . I don't know why on earth ma does not let me to wear high heels shoes . Maybe for her , it's not the right time to wear kot and yeaaa she prefers flat shoes . I have one flat shoes , a gold one . But i'm trying to get more . Now , i'm going for shoes and dresses kot . 2009 is my shoes , dresses , jeans , skirts and shirt drama :) Wish me lucckkk , getting them :) Fashion year for me . ahahah :D
" what did i do now , is this :D "

The teen vogue website :)
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