Thursday, December 18, 2008

Memoir 2008

I admit that 2008 fun is about to over soon . And many days in counting . PMR that had over like 2 months ago , then now i am waiting for the friggin results . I'm even bitting my nails soon enough . The first year of 2008 , oh i still remember i use to lay back with the books and still watch tv and still hang out with friends and him . But between those months a lot had been done , celebrated friends birthday , made cupcakes , been scolded because the phone bills had raised the limit , had been experienced to have a line on the phone - that even stopped because the phone bill had limit , had fight with the boyfriend *winkwink , you know normal stuff , had gossips through out the year , and even see and heard the teachers were getting so worried about our PMR . Then the school holidays in June happen . Oh , a lot had happen between the 2 weeks . Meet with him for the first time , in our 6 month relationship and meet 2 times . First week and the second week of school holidays . Experienced the time i really had fun with him and those friggin hugsssss . Thank you , really :) . Then after the school holidays , everything was such a rush . Including me , had to do tons of works on a subject and keep my butt on the chair to study and going to tuition classes . Everything was a mess and a rush . I even had a major break down for a while , and the people who got near was afraid - i was fierce has a lion :p LOL ! Around August , it was like 2 months to go , i was getting serious payback and even my friends , school holidays came . Ok fun but no ! Not even a bit . But he was there , teached me in maths , the low subject that i could not even get like an A . ok fcuk . He helped me a lot laaa i say . Through out this year , had study groups with my girlfriends . And oh the study group went to a laughing group :D *haha , sorry library . Then the teachers were giving us drilling in every subject that we learnt . Oh , fcuk . And that was tension enough . Then PMR day striked , my head was about to burst tht day , but i stayed calm laa . Taknak freak out -.- Then days , after papers . One by one it finished that it was like MERDEKA after finishing the last paper , everybody relased their tension by shouting and having fun :) Everybody hitted to Sunway and lepaking with their friends . But me was another story , i never got to lepaking with my friends after finishing the papers , i was going home , and preparing to move . So i had one week left at SMKS9 . I'm going to friggin miss my friends so much . Ok , everything had prepared and i moved on the 25th of October 2008 . On the 24th , thanks to Atiq and Nick everybody said goodbye to me and sign this like DIY of Atiq's sand picture . Oh you guys thankiesss for that , and i still keep it with me :) xoxo . On the other world of me , my hopes of becoming a next new thing at school , had ruined . Thank you . The plans that were made like having fun , chilling out and even celebrating the first year together with him , even had fanished . fcuk . double fcuk . Now i moved a lot has change . Dad is getting more buzzier has i can see and me stuck here at home laptoping and sitting in front of it just to now my friends update . pfft . pathetic . Thank God that like three weeks ago , i went back and met my friends and him . So next year , what i hope for are ; still being with the lover , being myself at school , doing my exam in grade 6 piano , finding new friends , killer job at my studies , sharing stories to my bestfriends back in Shah Alam , getting a way to buy a new phone , finding him a present for his birthday and doing the same thing i always - laugh and live .


Anonymous said...

I miss the old time's. When we lepaking at sunway , when you and nick gado and the best part is when you kne scold dgn ur mother..ahhaha....

Safrinaz Safry said...

hahaha , me to :) haha , yea i do -.- shesh .