Sunday, March 6, 2011

Strut it.

It's 3.46 pm , Malaysia time and it's raining outside AND i think my boyfriend is sleeping. Anyway , yesterday i went out with mummy - we went shopping . I got myself a novel so that i won't get bored and stuff. Later , we went to Yamaha - music store to check out keyboards. I wanted a keyboard , and plus daddy had promise to buy it for me. So that i can bring it to college to practice my piano and keep me un-bored while i'm at college. And i fell in love with this black keyboard , and mummy ask " do you want this one ? " , and i just nodded. And the next thing you know it , she asked the person to take it down and put in a bag ! So yeah , i got a keyboard yesterday. While mummy  was paying it , it came to realize that - mummy would do anything for her daughter. On Friday , i had piano class , she entered my class cause she was feeling hot waiting in the corridor , and while my piano teacher asked about my exam and stuffs to my mum - when she started talking about college she wanted me to wait until September and felt like crying cause her only daughter and child is growing up too fast and she had wished that she could stopped time. But back to rewind , time will never stop as it goes around every 24 hours in a 365 day.

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