Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Emotional Side of Me.

Once you had dream , a dream to be anything that you want. Either a rockstar or a princess - you have a dream. And now the dream of your dream is about to happen. I'm 18 this year , getting my driving license done and soon i'll be driving my car. Going to of college. College. The first word that pops in my mind when a person says  " College " is homesick. That's right. 

On Monday , i was getting ready and all of a sudden my mum took my comb and she brushed my hair. I felt like a 5 year old again. I miss the moments when i was a toddler. Everything seem sweet. No problems were around me. The only thing i knew was waking up in the morning , going out with my mum and the next thing I knew it i will get a teddy bear from her and a kiss from my dad.  

But now , i'm a teenager . I rarely tell my secrets to my parents. As my mum think that when i tell her my secrets , she will act cool in her way but for me it's not cool. Though , i really appreciate her to act cool with it. But i know i have my limits. Cause people said to her , " to be close to your child whose growing up , you should make her your friend. Your best friend " , though it's true . But sometimes , it's just annoying. My dad is cool , when i talk with him , he just keep quiet and listen and the next thing i know it - he will make fun of me. Yeah , that's my parents. I'm the only child , so whatever happens - it's between me and just my parents no one else .

I'm going of to college soon. And i'm having this thoughts of what's going to happen at home and everything. And i'm thinking the first thing that will approach me is " HOMESICKNESS".


1 comment:

Dy said...

Hello pretty nightmare ;) Just wanna update you with my new link :)