6 Utamaku , they are my friends . They are 6 utamaku in high school and until the day I die . Nothing can stop my 6 utamaku from being apart . Six utamaku , is Danial , Deena , Mira , Lala , Atiq and Nick :) Ku akan hubungi mereka di mana jua berada :) Ku akan membawa mereka ke London , maaf ye London :)
Danial , Pertama utamaku :) Danial is Mohd.Danial Salleh. He's my boyfriend :) He's also my best friend , my scandal and everything . We meet up in myspace , we were friends first then we had a serious relationship , after knowing each other well . We are The Cyber Love Couple :) ngee . He's sweet , adorable and can really support you in no matter way . Even though times he has temper , who cares? Everybody has one kan ? Look at the bright side btw , he's willing to have me as his girlfriend , and wishing me to be his until the end of time :) My mum knows him , i mean speak to him not eventually they meet up yet , but somehow they are going to meet up one day . I can't wait to that happen :) I love you , my 1 utamaku :) Danial = ROMANTIC
Deena , Kedua utamaku :) Deena is Noor Hadhinah Helmi. She's my girlfriend :) We use to be and not to be best friends . But in the end of the year of 2006 we were officially girlfriends who calls each one another , shares secrets together , have the same crushes ( ? ) and also text one another to see if each other are ok . She's a good listener . A best friend of mine . She's gives advice if you need one. She's like Dr.Phill . Helps one another :) She's great to have. Deena = ADVISER
Mira , Ketiga utamaku :) Mira is Amira Nasuha Jasmi , want to talk about her but im speechless ! -.- Because she is one of a kind :) Hard to find in the other galaxy . I mean she's awesome ! :D She's knows when i have problems and misses pertama utamaku , Danial :] tehee . Mira :) she's cute ! ngee . She's like my sister . My own sister . I can share everything to her , she listens and she gives advice to. Mira = FUN
Lala , Keempat utamaku :) Lala is Nur Najlaa Ardina Naziruddin, fyi . She's great to have :) We like to laugh . Me , Mira , Deena and Lala , the loudest , the funniest (?) and the laugh a lot geng ! :D ahaha , She loveeesss hot guys ! haha ! I mean who doesn't ? :] ngee . She sometimes has a temper so getting a fight with her can make a condition turn bad , so bad . So when me and her start to fight , I give up first :P Yes , i am a chicken :P ahha ! Brrrbbbrrrbbrrr ,*doing the flap wings of a chicken :P Lala = FUNNIEST :D
Nick , Kelima utamaku :) Nick is Raja Mohammed Naqiuddin Shahmi Raja Adam :)We use not to be friends. He had his group " The cool group " while i was in another group , " Anonymous group " . But during the year 2007 , me and Nick were labeled as friends JE :D We hanged out with our friends. Nick is a drama queen :) aha ! But he is fun and cool to hang with :) Now me and him are labeled as Best friend JE ! tehee :] Nick = FABULOUS !
The last is Atiq , Keenam utamaku :) Atiq is Atiq Afsar Abdullah :) His name is short -.- tehee :D He's tall , lidi maybe or giraffe , i mean he is so totally tall ! He sometimes has sense of taste in clothing and sometimes not , so me and Nick has to find him the perfect shirt :) ceeehhh , Fashion Police . He's a good listener and sometimes can gross , so grossology. He's a great friend to have . *two thumbs up and a applause to him :) Atiq = DREAMER !
So there you have Six utamaku :) They all have sense in music , clothing , studying and also gossiping. Thank you

Hugs and kisses :)
* If 6 utamaku has problems , call me up :) I'll be there for you .
1 comment:
love my 6 utama !
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