it's been awhile that i've been updated my blogger. Anyway - as you all know , March is coming up , and i think right now the world is spinning to fast and i don't have time to breathe in and out ! Now call 991 anyone , because my exam are so near - i wish that i had a blackberry telling me what's my next schedule. Having a nokia E63 is nothing much different then having a blackberry i guess.
Boyfriend and i , are so much in a little kid fight where i want a teddy. I love you baby :) I chatted with Najlaa and Amira Nasuha - oh yes , in their life right now are so much busy and yet still they are here for me :-) ! Coloured my nails , and typing in my update - tells me that my life is still going on and i'll be updating it soon .
" But my other honey bee , Stuck where he doesn’t wanna be , Oh my darling honey bee , I’ll come save you , Even if it means I’ll have to face the queen " .
Hi . hello . I have this attitude before i'll update my blog. I'll go to others people blog and see their updates . It's really funny and interesting of people on their think and see ways differently. Oh God ! It's Sunday . It's SUNDAY ! I repeat it's Sunday . Tomorrow school ! How can times sometimes be unfair to us ? Oh well , homeworks are like " one or two questions more , i'll cheat " . After a one week of doing something - but i can't remember except the day that me and my girlfriends had a photoshoot going on my house. Oh wait ! I still have PJK folio . Just one more assignment to go - it's a folio. My day started with a so early wake up call by Dann . He called me up around 6.45 am - talked and went back to sleep. He woke up at 4 pm while i woke up at 10.30 am - mama was so pissed off by me. Around 11 am mama suggest that me and her take a break and go to JJ has papa wasn't at home. So we did , window shopping and i bought a skirt. Right now , i just need to find a perfect top with it. I need to find a blank white top or a shirt or something that go perfect with it. My two bestfriends birthdays are up :- Fix's and Diba's . I think i forgot about my Best friend's birthday ! Oh god ! i'm really sorry : - anyway , HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY AMIRA NASUHA ! :D I'm really really for the super duper late wish .
Yesterday afternoon went to Lumut . We had some event last night. I got tired around 10.30 pm , but the event never stopped. Around 11 pm , we were on are way back home. My slept through out the way back to Ipoh. I was to tired and sleepy. I had a dream and it came true ! Deja vu much i see myself. I've dream about it , saw the people that i saw before - and they looked the same with the same clothes and the same situation. I kept repeating : " Oh no ! Not again . "
Last night , we talked on the phone - it's like sometimes i don't ever think what i wanna say at first. That is so wrong sometimes. Help me someone. Sometimes i'm rational , while some other time i'm not - call 911 darling would you ?
Hi.Hello.Bonjour,while mama went out - i watched Valentine's Day movie. The movie is a cry-hard-die-for-movie i tell you. Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift are and IS so cute that movie. With having a boyfriend in the athlete team and a dorky girlfriend - they can be an item in school. Oh god ! i wish i had that. The movie really showed the meaning of love actually. I mean i was so touched by story line. Love can be hurtful , love can be magical but love exist when two people love each other. Sometimes you can be reject by love - but that doesn't mean it's the last. One can experience a lot in love. And i think i'm also expericing now ;;)
so yesterday i had my friends at my home - we were finishing our civics project. We did a photoshoot at my house - it started at 10.30 am until 12.30 pm. We had so much fun. Mummy cooked chicken rice for us and made pau for our tea time. Thank you mama :) Yesterday - getting ready for the photoshoot , with the make ups and everything - i felt like we were getting ready for prom night :) hahha ! sorry. Diba , Naddie , Ija , Qila and Fix came. While the others group members couldn't make it - too bad :( . So later that afternoon , after they had their tea at my house , around 4.30 pm , they went back home. While Fix and Diba were still at my house. Then Fix gave and idea of " let's take pictures ! " . Then we went out of the house, went to compound of my house and took pictures - then i gave an idea of let's go to Padang Polo as Padang Polo was near to my house - so ok , we walked and talked , talked , talked.
At Padang Polo , they were little childrenwho were playing kites and bubbles. Oh so darn cute :) HEE. I took pictures , while Fix and Diba were playing pop with the bubbles :) I felt like a little kid again. Then we brought the bubble bottle and played with it. And took pictures of it. Oh it's so fun. Fix's mom called and picked us up at the Padang Polo around 6.45 pm :)
My day ended with so much fun while a had a sprained foot. Ouch!
Anyway , this morning headed to Shah Alam to see Grandma , whose quite sick and visiting my auntie in section 13. Got out of the house around 7.30 am and reached there at 10.30 am. Firstly , we first arrived at my Grandma house , saw Sara's gate was opened. Thought of she's not at home , called her up but nobody picked it up. Never mind i thought. Then later , i sent her a message and asked was she at home - and the answer was a yes :) So called her up , and yeah we hanged out just like we use to 1 year ago :) We shared a lot of stories , as we didn't see each other for almost a year now. So yeah - our stories were shared and yes all the laughter too.
Oh well , baby is sweet and romantic. And mama goes " Mesti your boyfriend , Dann sends you a happy Valentine's wish " . WTH .
Oh , tomorrow's Valentine's Day. I'm celebrating mine on the phone , and i'll be guessing others will have a dinner date , watching a movie together and have their little memories of Valentine 2010 precious in their memories. Anyway , hope you guys have splendid one though :-)
A seventeen girl , whose trying to figure out her life takes her after this. Will she pursuer her dreams to be an architect or having a minor field that she choose , which is having a degree and diploma in Music ? This seventeen year old girl i know , she knows what she wants and hoping to get it immediately. That's her alright. But right now , the girl thinks that everything that goes around her - does go her way actually it goes by the world and people that surrounds her. relationship are like crystal , you dont realize how much you love it until it breaks. From the first time i had my crush until we became friends and having unrequited love - yeah sometimes my love life does stinks. But right now , my love life is a sense of lavendar and rose in the air. See how magical it is ? And sometimes love life can change. Oh well every person have different kinds of love stories. And someday i hope to hear from you :)
miss me people? Oh well , this is what you get of being a senior student , busy handling with school activities , tuition and studying. Anyway , a lot had happen a long these week. I've just deleted my old account of myspace - yeah you guys might be wondering why i deleted it - oh well the reason is , i had too many people that i don't actually know and my myspace url stinks. I don't know why , but i get piss off to easily. Me and the boyfie , we've been celebrating our 2 years 2 months. He finally sang " i love you " song by Barney ;;) hehe. Aw , baby i love you. I had to do a civic project with my team . And were doing an website about it. We have a blogger and also a facebook group :) Hope you guys follow and help to support us :-) ! Valentine's day is coming and also Chinese New Year :) Happy holidays and keep safe :-) xoxox!
every person is a jigsaw puzzle , which the jigsaw puzzle is half , while the other half we must find it. If we're lucky , we'll the half the jigsaw puzzle a perfect fit. I've been busy quite lately with school. I had a replacement school day today. So you see , that i have a life just like you :-)
later alligators. And B.T.W , i think i'm going to have a major breakdown .