Take back and breath , baby breath . Before everything is to late to laugh and cry , and feel the moment that we had those times together :)) * wink wink .
Oh , choir competition is just next week ! Double double yikes , somehow . The mezzo part always get mixed up with soprano !! errr - people people we need help , like NOW !
Start of the week , got our papers back . I shall say that my grades are rather quite stink and not to bad . As i took leap back in a moment - " i can really handle pure science :) " Something in mind , that i always need to memorize and be my inspiration - somehow and sometimes of mine . And even better people , papa made a rule for me - the rules on my onlining day . crap . GREAT :D .

P.s - i just laughed through out this day , something great in life . As laughter are like eating my oreo donuts directly hot donuts from big apple , baby ! <33>
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