Saturday, February 26, 2011

Behind those lines I say

It's 11.04 pm , Malaysia timing and yes i just got out of the toilet when this idea struck. 

So when a person asks you , " do you have a blog ? ". And the only answer that you can give , " yes , i do have one. " And when a person asks you what's the main theme of your blog then you go all " errkk  - ehhmmm - well - *just keep quiet and smile* " . So yes i'm one of those person when a person asks me - what's the main theme of your blog. 

I think it's funny when you have blog where you share your own daily life stories with different kind of people and hearts.  So where did this idea of having a blog struck into my mind. Well it all happen when i was in form 1 - more precises 13 years old. I was 13 when i had my first blog. Cause by that age , i thought of my life of uncontrollable and it seemed wild to me. But for some people , it didn't. I changed to a girl - practically and mind and emotions. I started to dress like a girl and loved the color pink. So here you go , puberty hit me !

What do i mostly share on my blog. As far as you readers can see i mostly blog about myself . ONLY ABOUT ME. I talk about the world , the love life , the sadness , the happiness , the i-hate-you situation and much much more. So mostly, generally all about me. If your thinking , about not-to-read my blog anymore - think twice cause everything in my life as the do and don't. And everyday i learn something. As for example , like today i learned that no human will ever admit their mistakes and will ever keep on blaming others. See told you ?

As for this year - 2011. I'm 18 years old. And it's been 5 years having my blogger and everything is kept into my blogger. Where I share about myself to others. The way i write - shows the mood i'm having in a day.  So here i am , to say a big a thank you for the readers who read my blog , and will never get tired on anything that i write. Love you guys.


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