Being a Malaysian is the most incredible thing that could happen . Our country is free from war and it is always peace and harmony .
Lepak with kawan di Mamak stall is a fun thing to do . Also watching football match at mamak stall while having tea tarik with roti canai , is cool thing to do . Malaysia is my country . I'm happy being here , even though politics these times are quite rough . Oh , Malaysia has many

Malaysia is a place to be .
The fifth minster , currently had made a lot a changes to . Thats a good thing also .
Our late prime minister , Tunku Abdul Rahman tried hard to get Tanah Malaya Independent day . At last in 1957 , 31 August Tanah Malaya was bebas dari ancaman musuh and was happily dibangunkan sebagai satu negara yang megah di serata dunia . Later that year , Tanah Malaya became Malaysia and many new things had happen through out the year .
Until now 2008 , Malaysia is well-known for its culture and food . Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-51 :)
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