i've just read a blog which i'm following - it's really nice to see people happy with their couple and it's really hard to see them fall apart. I've been in that situation before , but later on i got over it. I falled apart with the same guy , and right now i'm back with him after 3 days being apart. Now it's been 2 years and counting. So yes , it's easy to see people be happy and also sad.I've just woke up from my nap . I slept at 5.30 pm and countined my sleep until 10.30 pm ! And right now , i can't sleep . And i feel my body is totally refreshed. Tonight me and papa , was was suppose to watch a football match at the stadium - but we're stuck at home . Plus in the afternoon it was raining , so it was a plus thing of not to go. Mr.Boyfriend and i , we're over with our little fight. So it's a pheww , lastly. It's we will always have our little fight and in the end i will cry and he will make it up with me. Normal / Supernatural ?
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