i don't why but i just love the track by Orianthi " According to you " .
i've just read a blog which i'm following - it's really nice to see people happy with their couple and it's really hard to see them fall apart. I've been in that situation before , but later on i got over it. I falled apart with the same guy , and right now i'm back with him after 3 days being apart. Now it's been 2 years and counting. So yes , it's easy to see people be happy and also sad.I've just woke up from my nap . I slept at 5.30 pm and countined my sleep until 10.30 pm ! And right now , i can't sleep . And i feel my body is totally refreshed. Tonight me and papa , was was suppose to watch a football match at the stadium - but we're stuck at home . Plus in the afternoon it was raining , so it was a plus thing of not to go. Mr.Boyfriend and i , we're over with our little fight. So it's a pheww , lastly. It's we will always have our little fight and in the end i will cry and he will make it up with me. Normal / Supernatural ?
I've been to busy with school . Right get things right this week , i'm such a liar to myself . I can't pretend to be the funny person here , i can't keep on smiling and say that " i'm ok and everything is under control " , You can't always put me down and make me sad - and at the same time you'll love me like no other would do.
I'm sorry and i did a mistake. I didn't meant to. Yeah it was true - i do miss you , i miss everything about you. The time you spent with me i miss those times. You've been to busy with your own affairs , while i'm here waiting for you.
Well , does time and people change together ? Or is just a metaphor that people change as time passes ?
" I am a part of your soul, boy And when you say you're gone So go away, go away And leave me on my own" - Eisley .
Anyway , this week i think of having it own MY way . you heard me , MY way . Tonight maybe celebrating mother's birthday eve , has tomorrow i'm not at home when mother is making a tahlil and majlis kesyukuran for herself and our Late's relative.
Oh look , there's go another 3rd week of school. Call it mayhem or not - but i already took my exam paper for March test , BM and BI. 3 weeks of school - and exams are up ? It's too early , hello ? I had a hard time with baby . 3 days and 3 nights of sulking here and there. Our fights normally ends on the 3rd day. It's always an up and down in our relationship. But whatever it is , i still love you. Extra school curricular have started. Went to bowling and Lidra club meeting :) A week of mayhem and stressfulness , call 911 anyone for me ?
This week school has be more tiring each day. The whole week , was AGM . And annual meeting on co- curriculum . Signing up and everything. I signed up for the 3 things on clubs and society which is Pelancongan , Lidra and Interact. Right call me crazy , but in the end i can't join interact ! :( Bummer , i have piano class and it clashes with the meeting. So i don't have a position in the club pelancongan eventhough i was only elected to be the president. But i didn't get it , Intan got it . Congrats to her :) In Lidra , i have position which is i'm the treasurer. I collect moneys . Cool enough i say ? Meanwhile , for sports and games , i joined Bowling team . And i got a postition for it too , which is AJK form 5. Interesting i guess . But for Unit Beruniform , i'm not elected so it's ok . School is tiring . Tuition makes me sleepy sometimes . And yes , i'm having fun. Countdown before SPM anyone ? *crazy*
Ok , i have tuition and school along these few weeks - yeah until the end of the year as you can say . I'm a SPM candidate this year . Yeah you can say that i'm going to be busy. So busy so much. Home , school , tuition , school , home , tuition and bla bla bla it's still going be the same. It's ony going to last for a year , so yeah i'm going to use well , hopefully. So now , i'm updating my blogger every once a week . Sorry readers , but i'm going to be so busy.
New Year a new Life :)
- I'm the ketua keceriaan in class this year. - I have tuition, suprise ! - And i'm a senior already ! A SENIOR ! :|
And i never thought of school to end so fast . GAR !
Let's giggle and cheer . Thank you Ija again for inviting me and our friends to your brother's wedding. It was really fun :-) Oh the photo shoot i had with you guys was so fun :)) HAHA . And the most picture i like was the GAR one . I've been playing back to back , Chris Brown song. My fever is going to be ok , i guess . I only have the flu.
Dear readers , before you read my blog post . Please click on the player widget as a music background for the blog post :) Thank you loads hunnay :-)
Went to the doctor today , i'm a having a slight fever . My body temperature is kinda high , i having a flu and coughing . Errk . It hurts O.o" . Baby has started his work today . GAR ! He has been taking care of me just like my parents are . HAHA . Non stop of asking me to rest and take my medicine . Baby spent his new year with his friends , but at first it was really sweet of him to say that " I'm going to spend my new year on the phone with you , darling " . Oh well - he celebrated with his friends , it's ok. Anyway , happy new year and XOXO :)