wait ! I think i shall save my money starting from this 2nd term .
So yes - Monday 15th June school starts . A lot is going to be ahead of me . Let me count the ways , *ehem ehem ,
- Getting my papers back , i'm so going to flank about half of the papers , not all . Please let me get good results on all of the papers
- I will be hearing a lot of stories after this , friends with friends - a this and that . Woah , fun :) Can't wait for Fariza a.k.a Fix , her stories - her stories are funny and is complicated .
- Pn.Poh - modern maths and Pn Lee - Add maths teacher : Will give us a lot of homework ! YIKES , i need the breaks .
- I will stop of ditching tuition classes , because is unhealthy for me and my studies
- I will take part in the LIDRA talent show , being DJ : it's a maybe
- I will stop even from ditching any society club meetings , it's unhealthy .
- I'm going to finish all of my homeworks , especially modern maths
- My phone is going to be off and will be reopen on the next school holidays , this is crap !
- I'm going to study hard till my eyes go BOMB - what i mean is my head : for getting good results in the next test which is going to be on August .
- And i will be wishing everyday that my superman will come a rescue me from the stressness and make me fly once a week . You know who you are .
- And going to save my money like there's not going to be another day . I need to save save !
- I'm going to buy new clothes and shoes . I'm carving for one like ages , even i got new sneakers which dad brought . But still i need shoes . HAHA :D I'm such a big money spender !
And thanks to him also for company me every single day ! :) haha , i love you hubby . xoxo And yes darling , i did melt on every single sweet little words you tell to me , every single day ;;)
So overall this school holiday , where a lot of me , ma & pa , the boyfriend , friends , onlining and tv .
Gelak tawa di hadapan television adalah amalan yang sangat sihat , saya sarankan anda juga melakukannya :)
And yes i did while wacthing spontan on astro warna :) HAHA !
So here goes by saying , happy school-ing people :) With lots of love ,
xoxo , the girl who can't speak in french but she is still learning and doesn't care what people say about her
See you don't wanna be ya , people
See you don't wanna be ya , people
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