i'm fifteen :) hm . Life nowadays are not the same as we see . Global warming a such bad bad things -.- so do making mistakes . I wish so much that i could turn back my time as a 3 year old , and eating lollipops all the time until i only have 3 tooth left . That must be fun and hurting -.- Too many chocolates can hurt yourself , thats what my mum and dad use to say if i had toooooo many chocolates on that day .
Now , my mum and dad , will support from behind . That the best part of it . I mean the chocolates too many , will be a nonono for them , because i now im a big girl , and i know what's the right thing to do . I can make a own decision , and my dad will think about the decision , if he thinks its the best he will say a yesyes , if not a nono .
15 , is just a number . But 15 is a meaning of life , including the age of 18 , 25 , 35 , 49 , 65 . That's life . The bigger the number , the older we get . And the next thing we know , our close family members will be attending our funeral . So i guess we must cherish our life , so much as we cherish our sweet memories .
Everything has change me a lot nowadays . I have my parents to support in every kind of way . I have a incredible boyfriend and know how to treat me well and make me feel special every day. That's why he is special to me . I have my friends are so called best friends . They stick with me and help me in every kind of way that they can . When they have problems , i try to help them , same goes by me . They're supportive :)
Life can be hard sometimes , but we must carry on what we have infront. Take it and grab the chance . I mean not everything must be hard in life , its easy sometimes . It does goes always so bad , sometimes its good and the best :) Don't give up to easily , because people may think we are on the chickens .
So yes , have fun in life :) as you trying to grow up .
Hugs and Kisses ,
Now , my mum and dad , will support from behind . That the best part of it . I mean the chocolates too many , will be a nonono for them , because i now im a big girl , and i know what's the right thing to do . I can make a own decision , and my dad will think about the decision , if he thinks its the best he will say a yesyes , if not a nono .
15 , is just a number . But 15 is a meaning of life , including the age of 18 , 25 , 35 , 49 , 65 . That's life . The bigger the number , the older we get . And the next thing we know , our close family members will be attending our funeral . So i guess we must cherish our life , so much as we cherish our sweet memories .
Everything has change me a lot nowadays . I have my parents to support in every kind of way . I have a incredible boyfriend and know how to treat me well and make me feel special every day. That's why he is special to me . I have my friends are so called best friends . They stick with me and help me in every kind of way that they can . When they have problems , i try to help them , same goes by me . They're supportive :)
Life can be hard sometimes , but we must carry on what we have infront. Take it and grab the chance . I mean not everything must be hard in life , its easy sometimes . It does goes always so bad , sometimes its good and the best :) Don't give up to easily , because people may think we are on the chickens .
So yes , have fun in life :) as you trying to grow up .
Hugs and Kisses ,